UNDP and KfW Visit QAF Lab

On May 28, 2024, a high-level delegation from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the KfW Development Bank, represented by the Head of Mission, the Head of Partnership, Advocacy, and Communications, and Livelihoods Specialists, visited QAF Lab. The purpose of the visit was to gain a deeper understanding of the company, its incubated businesses, and its investments in the private sector.

The delegation expressed significant interest in QAF Lab’s internship program, which focuses on youth development. They were also keenly interested in the innovative concepts and technologies that QAF Lab is introducing, particularly in the agricultural sector.

Such visits can underscore the critical importance of the private sector and its investments, emphasizing the necessity for collaborative efforts between the private sector and the international community. Join us in fostering a cooperative environment that propels growth and progress.